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How to Make a Capricorn Man Obsessed With You

Capricorn men are known for their cool nature, intelligence, and passion. They are also the type of men who have the power to control others.

They are also known to be irresistible because of their sense of humor and good looks. But you will also find a few who look cold from the outside but they are warm from the inside.

How To Date A Capricorn Man And Make Him Obsess Over You

Before you learn how to make a Capricorn man fall in love with you, you need to first learn how to date a Capricorn man. Below you will find tips on how to find a Capricorn man to date.

If you are already dating a Capricorn man and want to learn how to make him obsess with you, then you can skip over to next section by clicking here.

Attend Work Functions

Capricorn men are known to be very career-driven. You can meet them in career-oriented functions.

Since Capricorn guys dedicate themselves to excel in their industries, you can easily capture their eyes if you can put on your game face and excel in a career function.

Don't Dress Flashy

If your fashion is flashy then you might probably make a Capricorn man run away from you. They are reserved people.

It is better to dress conservatively if you want to attract them. You can go classy with a feminine touch.

Display Your Intelligence

As I already told earlier, Capricorn men are known for their intelligence. If you want to attract them you need to show your intellect regardless of what dress you are wearing or how good you look.

Start by engaging in an awesome conversation and show him that you are a beauty with brains. Make sure you are cool and composed. Since Capricorn's humor is on the sarcastic side do not be afraid to show your sense of humor either.

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Make Him Trust You

Capricorns do not trust everyone easily and also have a hard time being open to others. Because of this, he will not let you in unless he knows he can trust you.

If you want him to trust you then you need to be honest in your conversations and also be open to him. But you cannot expect him to be equally open with you as it will take him some time to start sharing his feelings.

By showing him your support and that you are trustworthy he will eventually let you in. but remember not to betray him once you gain his trust as he might not let you in again.

Don't Play Games

When it comes to relationships Capricorns don't like to play games. If you like him, then let him know directly and wait for him to make his move.

Do not play hard to get or make him jealous by going with another guy in front of him, etc. This will only have an opposite effect as he will move away from you and not even turn back.

Invite Him

Another way to impress a Capricorn guy is by making the first more and show him that you are serious about him.

You can invite him for a quiet dinner or something else that involves only the two of you. If you invite him to a party with lots of people he might get uncomfortable to open up with you or he might even turn down your offer.

By inviting him for a quiet dinner, not only he will have an easy time opening up with you, but it will also give you a chance to impress him further.

Be Patient

Capricorn guys become friends before they get into a relationship. During this period your patience may be tested so you have to remind yourself not to rush or push him into making any decisions.

As he spends more time with you, he will come to his own conclusions. Just keep his attention towards you and make sure to support him in his decisions.

Trust Him

Capricorn men take seriously in everything they are involved in whether it's their job or the love life. Hence, you can be sure that they won't cheat on you.

Text Chemistry

Once a Capricorn guy is in a relationship with you, he will do everything possible to make the relationship better. Even though it can take some time for them to get into a relationship, once they have decided they will be very devoted to you.

Support His Work

Capricorns take their job seriously and are known to be workaholic so you will find him working overtime in his office.

Do not think that he is losing interest in your relationship because of this. Since they are career-oriented, they want to do their best in their field of work.

Avoid Any Kind Of Drama

Capricorns look for stable relationship from their women who are devoted and serious. This means no drama or mind games in their relationship as they are a big turn off for them.

And if they do something that upsets you, tell them directly. They will everything they can to make you happy so that they won't upset you again.

Up Your Bedroom Skills

Even though Capricorns are reserved in their everyday life, you will be surprised to see how passionate they are when it comes to bedroom skills.

They pay a lot of attention when it comes to loving their partner and they are known to be great lovers. But they are not into role-playing or getting kinky.

They Don't Like Big Parties

Do not try to surprise your Capricorn partner with a big birthday party. As I already told earlier, they are reserved and only open up to selected friends and family members.

His idea of partying involves spending a night with his close people or alone with you and not dancing in a crowded bar. He will also appreciate you more if you can take the lead during social functions that make him uncomfortable.

Gift Practical Things

If you are planning to gift your Capricorn partner it is best if they are simple and practical since they like functional things.

So instead of gifting them a $100 watch, they will be happier when you gift them a swiss knife or a barbeque grill.

Minimum PDA

Capricorns are not really into PDA. While they are fine with holding hands, kissing or any other activity will make them uncomfortable.

Text Chemistry

They don't like to make their private life public so think twice before hopping onto them in public the next time.

how to be a good girlfriend

How To Make A Capricorn Man Obsessed With You

Once you have learned how to find and date a Capricorn man, let's talk about how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you.

Women love Capricorn men since they are hardworking, honest, and, serious when it comes to relationships.

You have already learned all the traits of a Capricorn man above. Now let's take a look at how you can capture his heart and make him obsess over you.

Change Your Appearance

Often guys love girls who look gorgeous and expose some skin. But when it comes to Capricorns, they like it more if you dress without showing much skin. So you have to know about their likes and dislikes when it comes to appearance.

They like clothes that talk about careers and goals. So, if you want to make him fall for you, start by upgrading your appearance.

Be His Best Friend

By now, you must already know that a Capricorn man will befriend you first before deciding on being in a relationship with you. If you want to make him case you, then you need to strengthen your friendship since he will not get into a relationship with a person he doesn't know.

When you are his friend, he will open up more and it will give you enough time to get to know each other. It can be a bit difficult in the beginning since he might seem mysterious to you but the wait will be worth your effort.

Make Him Trust You

To become his partner, you need to make him trust you. A Capricorn guy will only open up to a person he finds trustworthy and reliable.

A long term relationship with a Capricorn is only possible when you show him that he can 100% trust you. Once you win his heart, be devoted to him and in turn, he will do everything to make the relationship better.

Support Him

Capricorns are very ambitious and work hard to achieve success. He will look for a partner who will support and encourage him in his journey to reach his dreams and goals.

At the same time, he will appreciate it a lot if you can share your dreams and goals with him. He will do everything possible to support you in achieving your dreams.

Understand Him

A Capricorn guy will not open up easily to others. He will be very reserved and careful when sharing his inner emotions. You need to understand him until he feels secure with you and you will find this out when he slowly starts being open with you.

When in a relationship with a Capricorn man, generally he is the one who will lead it. All you have to do is give the push and he will take care of the rest.

Have A Good Sense Of Humor

Another way to impress a Capricorn man is by making him laugh. Even though they are reserved, they actually have a very good sense of humor and fun to be with. Hence, he will appreciate a woman who has a good sense of humor and can make him laugh.

If you are not good at telling jokes, then you can send some funny texts or memes that will make him smile when he feels stressed. Show him that you are not just intelligent but also a person who can be fun to be with.

Appreciate Him

Capricorn men protect their loved ones with everything they have got. He will be very happy when you ask for his advice and listen to what he says.

He will do his best to protect people closer to him. If you appreciate him for the security he provides, it will make him very happy. However, if you are an independent woman, his overprotectiveness can sometimes frustrate you.

Admire Him

Capricorn men can have a huge ego due to their shy nature. They want to be admired and this is a smart move to make them obsess over you. So, do not leave any chance whenever you get to admire him.

Just make sure to avoid fake admiration as they can spot it easily. For example, if he is making any plans for you, show that you are really interested. Ask him questions and listen to what he says.

Besides admiring him, you can also gift him any practical thing for all the love and support he provides you. Just don't buy anything flashy as they prefer a gift that is functional and practical.

Talk About Family And Future

Capricorns are very much family-oriented. You can make him fall for you by showing care for his family. Show him that you are as much concerned about his family as he is.

Also, ask about his parents and learn more about them. Talk about your future and also about having a family with him. It will show him that you are serious about him and are deeply committed.

When you show him that you are a responsible woman, he will be more than ready to take your relationship to the next level.

Now that you have learned how to date a Capricorn man and also how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you, take that first step and follow the tips above to make him love you more.

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How to Make a Capricorn Man Obsessed With You
