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Can I Have French Onion Dip While Pregnant

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Potato chips and french onion dip

Was all I could think about as I swiped my badge to leave work tonight. Out of nowhere it popped into my head! So I stopped at a quick mart type gas station and got some and I think I overdid it lol. My tongue is burning and dry from all the salt lol! But I'm giving myself a break, its the first 'bad' craving I've seriously indulged in and I haven't 'pigged out' at all so far haha

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Oh my. Now I'm craving it and its midnight! I know what I'll be having tomorrow (:

How funny, I just finished eating ruffles and green onion deep :P


Haha sorry! I think I would have rathered the sour cream and onion dip but it's all the place had! One good thing about working late, those late night cravings always hit on the way home so it's convenient!


Sour cream and onion sounds so yummy but I had do much before that not i afraid to even smell it but I must say I do love hot popcorn, I'm addicted :)


That was yesterday's craving for me! Still munching on it lol. And ice cold pickles!

I bought some ruffles and french onion dip a few days ago! I have been pigging out on it! I have snuck some carrots and celery into the dip too, to assuage the guilt, but it's so good!


This has been my craving since day one!!!


Ok so now I wants chips and ranch dip!!!! Not nice


It's funny how the most random things just pop into my head! I can't remember the last time I ate potato chips and dip and it was so specific to just all of a sudden pop in my head! No one mentioned it either which makes it even stranger because that's usually where my cravings start!

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Can I Have French Onion Dip While Pregnant
