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How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Face

While all pimples are no fun, blackheads can be some of the most annoying to deal with: They are abundant, hard to hide and just keep coming back. "Blackheads, which are medically known as open comedones, are pores filled with oil or sebum, debris, and dead skin cells," explains Robyn Gmyrek, M.D., a dermatologist at Park View Laser Dermatology in New York City. The oily mixture sits at the surface opening of the pore, where it gets oxidized by air and turns a black or gray color.

Blackheads and whiteheads are typically the earliest signs of acne, explains Ife Rodney, M.D., a dermatologist and founding director of Eternal Dermatology in Fulton, MD. The main difference between them is that blackheads appear dark due to the pores being open, while "whiteheads are closed comedones, meaning that the surface of the plugged follicle is covered by a thin layer of skin, creating a lighter color."

But before you get your fingers in position to squeeze those blackheads (yes, it is okay; see below for the safest way!), Good Housekeeping editors interviewed top dermatologists about blackhead causes and how to get rid of even the deepest blackheads on the nose, cheeks, back and more:

First, what causes blackheads?

According to Dr. Gymrek, blackheads have many underlying causes. "They are most commonly seen during puberty, when hormones lead to the increased production of sebum or oil, and the pore gets clogged," she explains. "Hormones may also fluctuate and cause blackheads during monthly menstruation, pregnancy and in those with polycystic ovarian syndrome or other hormonal syndromes where there is an excess of androgens."

Other factors may include taking steroids, wearing tight clothing and hats or helmets when sweating (think athletes), and from using thick and occlusive creams or oil-based products that can clog pores. Genetics also play a role, says David Bank, M.D., founder and director of The Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic & Laser Surgery in Mount Kisco, NY. "Pore size is determined by genetics and those with larger pores are more prone to having blackheads."

What are the best treatments for blackheads?

There are many ways to treat and prevent blackheads, but generally speaking, you want to "consistently use medicated cleansers or treatment products that help break up the debris within your pores, regardless of whether the blackheads are on your cheeks or back," Dr. Rodney says. Here are the best blackhead treatment ingredients and formulas to look for:

1. Use a daily cleanser with salicylic acid

    La Roche-Posay

    Effaclar Medicated Gel Acne Face Wash

    La Roche-Posay


    First, seek out active ingredients like salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid that is ideal for removing blackheads. "Because it's oil soluble, it is able to deeply penetrate the pores and oil glands to break up the debris and sebum," Dr. Rodney explains. She recommends using it in a daily cleanser, like La Roche-Posay Effaclar Medicated Gel Cleanser.

    2. Or try a face wash with benzoyl peroxide


    Acne Foaming Cream Face Cleanser



    Another effective and slightly more powerful option for blackheads is benzoyl peroxide, also popular in cleansers like CeraVe Acne Foaming Cream Cleanser. It helps dissolve the dead skin cells above the top of the pimple, helping to open it up. Dr. Gmyrek warns not be overzealous and use more than is recommended on the product packaging instructions, as doing so can dry out and irritate skin.

      3. Apply powerful retinoids for deep pore cleansing


      Adapalene Gel 0.1% Acne Treatment

      If all else fails, retinoids and retinol (a milder version), both vitamin A derivatives, can also be extremely effective in treating blackheads. "Retinoids change the way your skin cells develop from the inside out, to prevent the clogging of pores and acne formation," Dr. Rodney explains. Retinoids are available both in over-the-counter and prescription strength. (Bonus: They also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles). Both Dr. Gmyrek and Dr. Bank recommend using an adapalene 0.1 percent gel, like Differin.

      4. Use steam for careful extractions

      Start by steaming your face to open up your pores, Dr. Bank suggests. "Then, use two cotton swabs or a comedone extractor to gently press on the sides of the blackhead," he continues. "Do not use your hands, as this can introduce bacteria and lead to infection."

      5. Try a two-step approach to nix blackheads overnight


      Proactiv Blackhead Dissolving Gel

      To help blackheads disappear by morning, Dr. Bank recommends a two step process: Use a pore strip first and follow by applying a salicylic acid gel before bed.

      If you have blackheads on your cheeks, be gentle. "Remember that this skin will be a bit drier and perhaps more sensitive to salicylic acid, retinoids or benzoyl peroxide than other spots," Dr. Gmyrek says. You can use these ingredients, but in smaller quantities so the skin doesn't dry out or get irritated.

      6. Use pore strips to remove stubborn blackheads from your nose


      Original Deep Cleansing Pore Strips

      Try pore strips, like the gold standard Bioré Original Deep Cleansing Pore Strips. These mask-like patches adhere to the nose skin, and as they dry, the adhesive attaches to oil, sebum, and dead skin cells, which are removed when the strip is taken off, Dr. Gmyrek says. They can be irritating, though, so proceed with caution if you have sensitive skin or rosacea. If you're prone to blackheads on the nose, Dr. Bank also suggests regularly using a cleanser or serum with salicylic acid on this area and getting a professional facial with manual extractions.

      What about removing blackheads on the back and body?


      Lotion Applicator for Your Back

      For blackheads on the back skin, "I recommend using a benzoyl peroxide face or body wash in the shower daily," Dr. Gymrek says. "Let it sit on the skin for a minute or two before washing off." She suggests trying a formula that contains 5% benzoyl peroxide to start, then moving to a higher percentage if your skin can tolerate it without irritation. If benzoyl peroxide is too drying, apply a salicylic acid wash instead, Dr. Gymrek suggests.

      Another option: Before bed, spread a thin coat of a retinoid gel or cream on the area, starting with every other night to prevent irritation. (If you can't reach your back, get someone to help you apply the cream or try a back lotion applicator.) For more stubborn blackheads, visit a dermatologist: Dr. Bank suggests a Jessner peel, which contains a mix of alpha and beta hydroxy acids to deeply exfoliate skin and treat acne.

      What blackhead removal treatments should I avoid?

      If a blackhead is large in size or resisting removal, don't try to DIY. "For those super deep blackheads, you should see a dermatologist or esthetician, as they have special tools that can safely extract the gunk trapped in your pores," Dr. Rodney explains. "Do not attempt to remove these yourself, as this can cause trauma and scarring of your skin."

      DIY blackhead removal hacks are dicey in general. A PSA from our dermatologist pros: Though much talked-about on the internet, toothpaste is not an effective blackhead treatment — it's too harsh and drying on skin.

          How can I prevent blackheads?

          While you can't get rid of blackheads permanently (sorry!), you can maintain a consistent skincare routine incorporating the tips above to prevent future ones from popping up. Some more must-dos:

          • Always remove your makeup at night.
          • Wash your face twice daily.
          • Make sure to address any underlying hormonal issues if possible.
          • Eliminate any thick, occlusive creams, makeup or hair products if you think they may be an underlying cause.

            Freelance Beauty Editor Dori Price is a Boston-born, New York City-based freelance writer, editor and beauty, style, and wellness expert who was the Beauty & Fashion Director at Family Circle for 13 years before she joined Good Housekeeping, Prevention and Woman's Day as a freelance beauty editor.

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            How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Face
